The Friends provide practical help, and hold events, such as quizzes and talks, to raise funds to look after the lower churchyard and church.
Exeter City Council is responsible for the maintenance of the churchyard immediately around the church, so we take a particular interest in the maintenance of the Lower Churchyard, for which we receive no outside financial support. We raise all our funds through donations, membership fees and social events.
Over the years, the Friends have paid for a new Remembrance Garden and the regular grass cutting (which costs over £3,000 every year).
We also provide practical help with regular working parties (every two months) to keep the area tidy, while also encouraging the local wildlife.
Come and join us!
Individual Annual Membership – £10.00
Joint Annual Membership (Two friends at the same address) – £17.50
Individual Life Membership – £60.00
Drop us an email to